Definitions H-L

Hazards: any source of potential damage or adverse health effects on a group of workers.

Heat Exhaustion: the body’s response to an excessive loss of water and salt, usually through excessive sweating.

Heat Rash: mildest form of Heat Stress. It is caused by heavy sweating where sweat cannot easily be removed by skin evaporation.

Heat Stress: a potential physical hazard on an infectious disease worksite and can occur without warning.

Heat Stroke: most serious form of heat stress. It results from the body’s inability to regulate its temperature. It can be fatal if not recognized and treated immediately.Hemorrhagic: characterized by profuse bleeding.

Hierarchy of Controls: Identifies options based upon effectiveness, from the most effective to the least effective.

HMR: Hazardous Materials Regulation

Immunocompromised: inability to develop a normal immune response because of disease, malnutrition or immunosuppressive therapy.

Incubation Period: the time between exposure to an infection and when symptoms appear.

Indirect Contact: Transmission occurs when an individual touches a contaminated surface and then becomes infected by touching his or her mouth, eyes or nose.

Ingested: enters through the mouth.

Inhalation: breathing in a contaminant or organism.